
BSEM 1-1 Page
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Article 1
Article 2

Hello my students from BSEM 1-1, I am so glad to have you in my class.
In order to pass this subject, you are to complete all my requirements. These include but are not limited to (1) answering all questions at the end of the modules; (2) writing reaction papers on the cases found herein and on topics which will be assigned; (3) posting comments on the discussion boards. 
All answers to modules and all reaction papers will be submitted to me through the following email:
When you submit your answers, you are to write your section first, followed by your family name, first name and middle initial on the subject line. Example:  BSEM 1-1 MANLISES, Khristine Jane G

Now, about discussion boards. This may not be new to you as you've probably participated in something like this in the past, nonetheless, it will help us achieve our goals for the subject.
Every now and then, you will be asked to comment on a certain topic which will be given in class. Your response will be posted in the discussion board with the respective title of the topic. Each post will have a time stamp, this means I will know whether you posted your response on or before the agreed date. Your grade will depend on how insightful your reponse is. I know you guys can do a good job here. Kayo pa!
Kindly click below to enter the discussion room.